6 Reasons You May Need a Residential Dumpster Rental

When you do any kind of home improvement project, you might consider whether you need to rent a residential dumpster or not. A dumpster rental might be the last thing on your mind, but it’s important to have one if you’re doing a big remodeling project because it gives you a large and simple place to put all the trash. 

Without a residential dumpster rental, you will not have a place to dispose of all the trash properly and you might end up littering your yard and the community. 

Here are some of the top reasons why you might need to rent a residential dumpster. 

Landscaping Projects 

Not all landscaping projects need a dumpster, especially the small ones. Large landscaping projects will need a dumpster though, especially the large ones where you are pulling out rows of bushes or cutting down trees in the yard. 

If there is some turf you no longer want and you plan to pull it out of the ground, this also requires a dumpster as it can take up large amounts of space if you are just using regular garbage bins. 

If you are doing landscaping after a storm, a dumpster is almost always required because there are many fallen trees and bushes that you have to throw out. 

Moving Out of the Home 

If you have lived in your house for a really long time and have not recently cleaned out all the items you no longer use, you might want to rent a dumpster. This is because there are years and years worth of items in the home that you may no longer have a use for. 

Rather than having to take numerous trips to the dump or wait for the garbage collection agency to come, it’s easier to rent a dumpster and put all the unused items inside. 

You will find that renting a dumpster for your move makes the process of getting into a new home much smoother. 


Renovations or remodels are the top reason you will need to rent a residential dumpster. If you are working with a construction company or contractor, they will often rent the dumpster for you and charge the fees as part of what you pay the company. 

This is easier for you because most contractors have a dumpster rental company that they use that is reliable and affordable. This saves you time from having to go out and look for the dumpster company yourself. 

Renovations definitely need a dumpster because there are many things being torn out of the home that will need to be disposed of. 

Flooring usually makes the most mess and has the most amount of materials that need to be thrown out so always get a dumpster if you are getting rid of our flooring and replacing the old one with new tiles or laminate. 

Spring Cleaning and Decluttering 

Depending on the last time you cleaned and decluttered, you might need a dumpster for your next decluttering session. If you are really deep cleaning the home, you could easily use a dumpster especially if you are cleaning out and organizing the attic and basement as well as the rest of the home. 

If you have not cleaned out your attic or basement in several years, you might find that some trash bags are not able to handle all the things you need to remove from the home. 

The garage decluttering process also usually requires a dumpster especially if you have been using the garage as a storage space rather than a place to park the cars. Oftentimes, people keep stuff that they are not sure what to do with and they put it in the garage. 

This may seem harmless but in the end, you get a garage that is full of items you will never use. You can always donate the items that are in good condition but the rest of the items that are old and damaged can be placed in the dumpster. 

Roof Replacement 

Roof renovations and roof replacements are a messy job. Most people hire professionals for a roof replacement and they will require that you rent a dumpster for them because they will need a large space to dispose of all the items that are being taken off the roof like old shingles. 

Roofing debris is extensive and can even weigh more than 300 pounds. There is no way all the debris can fit inside some trash bags so renting a dumpster is always a must. 

Recycling and Clean-Up Programs 

Sometimes communities and neighborhoods will have a recycling day or a clean-up where they want everyone to put trash and unwanted items into a residential dumpster that can then be moved off-site. 

This is the community’s way of asking people to keep their homes, neighborhoods, and yards free of clutter and trash. Since renting a dumpster can sometimes be expensive, the community will often rent one where everyone can put their stuff in it rather than needing to get their own and pay off the entire cost. 

If you like your community could use a cleaning out day, you can ask your neighbors if they would like to split the cost of renting a dumpster and then everyone can use it together. 

You can also rent a recycling dumpster if you feel like most of your items could be recycled rather than just taken to the dumpster. 

The Bottom Line 

As you can see, renting a residential dumpster is needed in certain cases especially when it comes to home renovations, roofing repairs, and spring cleaning. You’ll be surprised at the amount of rubbish that can be collected in the home where small bins and trash bags won’t be able to cut it. 

If you need a dumpster rental, you can search for rentals in your city and very easily find one. Some companies even send you the dumpster the very next day which is very convenient if you want to begin a project the very next day. 

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