Emergency Fire Watch Security Guard Services 

Working with fire is a difficult task, as setting up of fire is an exothermic chemical process that releases light and heat. The firefighters and the Fire Watch Guards help people before and during the occurrence of fire acting as real heroes. In this paper all about emergency services are being talked about of the fire watch security service. There are places and buildings that do not recruit a full-time Fire Watch Guards but call them at the time of emergency. There are several companies and agencies that deliberately provide all those services for a short period of time. There are several types of fire that deal with managing the risk. In eastern countries, the service is more appreciating and famous as compared with other countries.

Brief about fire watch security guard service

The fire watches security services act by doing patrolling of a location or building where they are being recruited to see the fire hazard situation. The intensity of the service becomes more evident when there is a good possibility of the occurrence of fire. For example, the occurrence of sudden sparks or some kind of welding work going on, etc. Generally, when a fire alarm or sprinkler of a building or any area goes off, then fire watch services come into play. The work of the fire watch service is 24 hours for 365 days of inefficient shifts. But there are cases where the service works under the emergency atmosphere too. They are being trained for every situation. The fire watch guard is being recruited by seeing if he has the knowledge about the place where he will be recruited and some experience about dealing with fires. A person who has the mental and physical strength to handle the situation without becoming panic-stricken is also a criterion while selecting fire watch security guards.

Various types of services by fire watch

Last minute or emergency service: The agencies those who provide the fire watch services they know that sometimes the clients need the emergency services too. So, they have a toll-free number that helps the fire watch security guard service at the time of need. They try to attend the place within one to two hours after the call and generally the costing of the service is also reasonable.

Short term service: There are some clients who request for short term services of fire watch guards. The agencies fruitfully give that same services and help them provide long term services. The services are provided regardless of the time lapse the client asks for, always some officers are in standby.

Long-term service: In maximum cases, these services are being given. Each building or a construction site or a business recruits a fire watch guard so that he can keep an eye on the day to day happenings of the place. This usually helps in the prevention of the occurrence of fire.

General duties of the fire watch security guard service

Some of the general duties of a Fire watch security guards are-

  • Doing a full proof patrolling of every floor of the building or every area of that location where they are being recruited.
  • One should keep a record of all the impairments and abnormalities regarding loose wiring or less or non-workable fire extinguishers.
  • One should make sure that the exit doors are clear for the emergency exits of the crowd.
  • The fire watch guards ring the alarm if it does not ring for any reason, he should inform the higher authorities to prevent fire.


Services that are being provided by the fire watch security services are quite efficient and generally low cost, as being understood from the above article. But for better safety one should recruit fire watch security guard on a regular basis, so that many more fire occurrences could be combated. In the emergency and short-term security happenings, the guards take a foot patrolling of the building or location that founds to be having fire-related abnormalities. They take prompt actions with the tools they carry with them. If the fire is of low intensity, they can easily handle it, but if it is of larger intensity then they call for other officers.

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