Greece - All the latest news and useful information

Many things are happening in Greece, both minor and major, but according to top news from Greece, even minor can be major if light is shed on them. Greece is a European nations with a lot of believes, myths and history, ooh! Don’t forget their culture. Did you know that Greeks do not like it when you show off your skin? If you are from Los Vegas, please go shopping before you embark on a journey to Greece. Now, with all the news that have been trending for some few hours ago, it is good to draw some useful information in order to know how we can support or suppress them if they are good or bad.

Historical baths at the long lost city of Tenea

With all the history linked to Greece, top news from Greece must talk about this. It is good work archaeologist are doing, and we should actually support them as a nation. But how do we do that? Finances may not be a problem, but we can offer them our little support like taking it to the media to let the world know of new findings. Discoveries being made by archaeologists are contributing to enriching the history of the Greek people, and by taking it out there, we are contributing to the growth of the tourism sector. Somebody would like to know about somewhere before thinking about going there. Feeding potential tourists with enough information will be of great help.

Sofia Kouvelaki getting awarded

Because of a mere act of compassion, Sofia has received a great award from child 10. Could this be a contributing factor to rumors that Greeks offer the best hospitality services? Charity might cost you very little of not expense at all and it is possible to gain a lot from the simple act. Even though Sofia is the CEO of The HOME Project Greece, if she was not compassionate she couldn’t be able to render the services to the unprivileged children, nor could she be able to receive this recognition. Charity begins at home.

Increase revenue from tourists

The fact that revenue from tourism sector has increased by 13.6% between January and August it means that Greece and the people of Greece are rendering good services to tourists. What we can learn from this is that we should not just sit back and wait for the foreign tourists, we as citizens can also be our own tourists. Perhaps you are from Crete island, have you ever been to Santorini or any other island? Do you know what uniqueness is found outside your area? Do you know why you are on this island and not the other? As much as promoting external tourism is important, internal tourism will also be beneficial to the nation.

It is a big nation, and bad news cannot be left untouched since we have to look for ways to curb them so that they do not happen again.

Bayern Munich fans attack

We can have a very long list of the good things happening in Greece, but one mistake will spoil the whole thing. Questions lingering in my mind are who attacked them? Were they paid to attack? Why did they make the attack? I wish I could get these answers as well. A match was supposed to take place between the youths of Olympiacos club and those of the Bayern Munich. However, the much had to be brought to an abrupt end as hooligans stomped in Renti football grounds in Piraeus and attacked the spectators. This is not I am advocating for and neither are you, right? We should focus on helping nature the talents of our youths and be happy when they perform well. Whatever the reasons were for the attack, it does bring down the good reputation Greece is building in other sectors. We should be holding hands to build a greater nation. 

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