Medical Marijuana Can Cure Cancer

Marijuana refers to the dried leaves and buds of the Cannabis sativa plant varieties that grow in tropical and warm climates throughout the world. The advantage is that it is cultivated commercially and is known by different names such as grass, weed, pot, cannabis, ganja, hash, hemp, and more. Marijuana is also used for centuries in herbal remedies.  In fact, medical marijuana can cure cancer.

Marijuana different compounds 

Marijuana seeds have different compounds to stir the human actions. For instance the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can help relieving nausea and pain, reduce inflammation and also act as antioxidant. Cannabidiol (CBD) helps treating seizures, as it can reduce paranoia and anxiety, and can also counteract the “high” THC. 

There are different types or strains available and different marijuana plants reveal varying amounts of active compounds. This means the marijuana differs with its effects depending on the strain or the type used. These effects are based on the compounds of marijuana entering the body.

Marijuana taken by mouth through baked goods means it has poorly absorbed THC and the absorbing hours is more. As it gets absorbed, the liver processes it and produces a psychoactive compound, a substance changing consciousness or mood, as it acts on brain and thus it affect your brain. 

Marijuana vaporized or smoked and inhaled means the THC gets into your bloodstream and reaches the brain fast. Here the psychoactive second compound is released in small amounts and naturally the effect is less. The inhaled marijuana effects fade faster than when it is taken by mouth. 

View of American Cancer Society 

The American Cancer Society ropes for more scientific research on using marijuana for cancer patients. The Society accepts the classification of marijuana and so the US Drug Enforcement Administration imposes many conditions on researchers and on the scientific study of cannabinoids. 

Medical decisions regarding the symptom and pain management is anticipated to be made between the doctor and the patient, keeping in balance the evidence of benefit and the harm to the patient, besides considering the values, preferences, regulations and laws that may apply. 

The American Cancer Society has not legalized marijuana for medical purposes owing to the need for scientific research on the potential harms and benefits of marijuana. However, ACS CAN resists smoking or vaporizing of marijuana in public places as the marijuana carcinogens in smoke may cause health hazards to the patient and to others in the presence of the patient. 

Marijuana effects on cancer symptoms

Many studies of marijuana smoked found it helpful in treating vomiting and nausea caused due to cancer chemotherapy. On the other hand, a few studies observed that vaporized or smoked marijuana helps in curing the pain caused due to damaged nerves. 

There are studies going on, yet the studies showing marijuana as safe for treating cancer also does not show they cure or help in controlling the disease.

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